Personal Therapy.
W h a t i s Я|RS P e r s o n a l T h e r a p y ?
Personal Therapy is essential to the self-care of therapists regardless of individual differences, their theoretical approach and counselling in practice. Personal Therapy provides trainee and qualified counsellors alike with a safe, supportive, non-judgemental, growth-promoting environment where they may explore personal, academic, professional, or a combination of these issues, which are often interconnected. Nowadays many colleges, universities and other training establishments require that students/trainees access a certain number of hours personal therapy to fulfil assessment criteria.
Я|RS O n l i n e P e r s o n a l T h e r a p y S e s s i o n s : -
• 'live' online session (synchronous) - Online Personal Therapy in real-time using computer-mediated technology for 1 full hour (60mins). Live online therapeutic sessions may be text-based, audio, or audio-visual (webcam) depending on the medium that best suits your individual needs. To ensure secure communication via the internet, your online counsellor will advise you on encryption facilities
• e-therapy (asynchronous) - Secure therapeutic e-mail correspondence is a two way exchange from you to your online counsellor and a response from your online counsellor. Suitability explored during initial assessment. Guidance offered for word limitations and realistic time constraints during and in between asynchronous exchanges
Я|RS F a c e - t o - F a c e P e r s o n a l T h e r a p y S e s s i o n s : -
• Personal Therapy currently available in Chester, Cheshire, UK. Limited availability
Я|RS P e r s o n a l T h e r a p y F e e s : -
• £60.00 - 1 hour
• 10% discount for block-bookings of 12 x sessions paid in full
• Concession rates for psychology or counselling students/trainees
For more information about Я|RS Personal Therapy for you or your organisation, feel free to Contact Us [here]
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